A-Specs Of The Axe

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(Original: LGBTA Wiki)
The AotA pride flag.

A-Specs Of The Axe are a solidarity movement made up of a-spec individuals who support all a-spec identities, and are inclusionist. This includes asexuals, aromantics, and anyone else on the ace-spectrum and aro-spectrum.

It is the a-spec counterpart to other inclusionist groups, such as Gays of the Guillotine, Lesbians of the Longbow, Pans of the Parashu, Cisn't Transmission, Nuclear Bomb Neptunics, Oberon-Class Omnisexuals, and Switchblade Sapphics.

This term is made to combat a-spec exclusionists, and support other inclusionist groups.


The term was created by FANDOM user DentalFricative on June 21, 2021.

