Aego AroAce

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File:Aego aroace.webp
An aego aroace flag.

An Aego AroAce person is a person who is both aegoromantic and aegosexual. An Aego AroAce person likes the idea of romantic/sexual relationships but there is a disconnection between them and the relationship. Aegosexuals may have sexual/romantic fantasies, view porn/romance novels/movies/etc. They generally feel little to no sexual attraction and romantic attraction and typically do not desire to have sex or a romantic relationship with another person.

File:Aego aroace 2.webp
Another aego aroace flag.

Similar terms include: aegoromantic and aegosexual


File:Aego AroAce.png
Aego Aroace flag by IMakeFlags

Two Aego AroAce flags were made by a user named Cavesharp on July 22, 2021. They have no known meanings.

Another alternate flag was uploaded by user IMakeFlags on July 26, 2021. The scheme follows the layout of the aegosexual and aegoromantic flags. The colour scheme is based on the aroace flag.

File:Aego Aroace pride color schemes 1.png
Aego Aroace flag by pride-color-schemes

2 Aego Aroace flags were made by Tumblr user pride-color-schemes on June 26th, 2016, one with green on the top and purple on the bottom, and the other with purple on the top and green on the bottom. It is meant to combine the meanings of the Aegosexual flag and the Aegoromantic flag.[1]
