Aesthetic Attraction

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(Original: LGBTA Wiki)
The aesthetic attraction flag.

Aesthetic attraction is a form of physical attraction to a person's appearance. It is defined as an attraction to the way someone looks, or how they present themselves. It is typically based on a desire to observe someone because one finds them aesthetically pleasing, and is often described as a similar feeling to looking at a nice painting or landscape. One way of experiencing aesthetic attraction is a stronger desire to admire or gaze at a person, and finding their physical features, their curves and shape, their bearing, how they move, how they dress, or other aspects of their appearence appealing.

Among Allosexuals and/or Alloromantics, aesthetic attraction is commonly felt alongside sexual and/or romantic attraction, and is sometimes considered a necessary element of the experience. However, aesthetic attraction can sometimes be felt separately from other forms of attraction. In the Aspec community, it is typically useful to distinguish aesthetic attraction from sexual and romantic attraction.

An Alternate Aesthetic Attraction Flag

An aesthetic crush is known as a swish or a thete[1], although the terms are not widely used. Someone that a person has an aesthetic connection/relationship with could be called one's idol.[2] Aesthetic attraction is most commonly associated with the color pink. One who does not experience aesthetic attraction may identify as A-aesthetic/Nonaesthetic.


/es-thEt-ik uh-trAk-shuhn/


One of the earliest known uses of the term "aesthetic attraction" among Asexuals was in 2005, on the AVEN forums.[3] Since then it has been commonly included in lists of subtypes of attraction.[4]


The flag was coined by Anamika on December 6th, 2020. The first shade of pink represents people with neutral or genderless aesthetics. The second shade of pink represents people with androgynous or fluid aesthetics. The third shade of pink represents people with feminine or xenic aesthetics. The fourth shade of pink represents people withmasculine or animalistic/non-human aesthetics. The white represents attraction, and represents how vast the spectrum of attraction can be. Orange represents Aspec people with aesthetic attraction. Lighter orange represents people with multiple attraction types. Gold represents breaking past societies expectations of attraction. Light yellow represents peace, unity, and community. The circle with the colors represent all races, as many races have different aesthetics due to their culture. It is also there as a nod to QPoC, who are highly under appreciated.

An alternate flag was created by FANDOM user Zer0Rebel4. Magenta represents Alloaesthetics (those who regularly experience aesthetic attraction), pink represents Greyaesthetics (those who rarely experience aesthetic attraction), orange for A-aesthetic/Nonaesthetics, yellow for Demiaesthetics (those who only experience aesthetic attraction to those they're close with), white for Aesthetic Attraction, and black for the spectrum of aesthetic attraction.

Another alternate aesthetic attraction flag was designed by Reddit user u/MIRROR 11 on May 17, 2020. It uses the CMYK colors but in a similar order of the Pan flag.[5]

Another alternate aesthetic attraction flag was by created FANDOM user crayonpuppy.x on June 25, 2021, uploaded directly on the lgbta wikia.

Commonly, when one wants to show a certain attraction is aesthetic, one will put that attraction's flag in a flower shape.
