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(Original: LGBTA Wiki)
The afluaflugender flag
File:Alternate Afluaflugender Flag.png
An alternate afluaflugender flag by FANDOM user rhythmsancat

Afluaflugender (can be shortened to just Aflu) is a gender in which one is genderfluid and genderflux and has three primary gender experiences: a base gender, switch genders, and spike genders. All of these genders can change for any reason and one may also experience different amounts of them.[1]

Base gender is the primary gender one may feel, this gender can change anywhere from hours to years. The base gender can be any gender, including other multigenders, genderfluid identities, and genderflux identities.

Switch genders are the genders that one switches between along with their base gender. One may feel their genders for decent amount of time, but not as long as the base gender. These may change at any time and may be any gender.

Spike genders are genders that one does not primarily feel. They usually only appear for a short time before fading. Once again these may change at any time and may be any gender. All base, switch, and spike genders can be experienced at different levels and may change at any given time.


Pink and off pink represent genders that are either female or are feminine in nature. Purple and off purple represent genders that may have a mix of both male and female or contain qualities of both (androgynous). Blue and teal represents genders that are either male or are masculine in nature. Greens represent genders that don’t necessarily have a specific gender associated with them or terms that have an absence of gender. Orange and yellow represent genders that are outside the binary.


The term was created on or before November 25, 2020 by user Shinsouboi on the LGBTA+ wiki. There have been no previous records of the term besides this instance. The flag was also created by the coiner of the term.[2]


Afluaflugender intended to combine the words "all fluid all flux" into one root to describe the fluid and fluctuating nature of the gender.

