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(Original: LGBTA Wiki)
Updated flag bc the old flag was apparently just the reciprosexual flag.
Updated Aliamoric Flag

Aliamoric is an orientation that refers to non-binary people who are exclusively attracted to other non-binary people. The term is necessary because often the terms gay, straight, and lesbian are not inclusive of non-binary people, although some non-binary people feel comfortable identifying with them, and some people include non-binary attraction in their binary attraction terms. Some non-binary people are uncomfortable with this and find that aliamoric better allows for them when stating that someone is exclusively attracted to non-binary people. This is the non-binary equivalent to feminamoric and viramoric. The term was coined by gay-rats-sys on Tumblr.

Aliamoric is similar to enbian in that it is NBLNB (non-binary loving non-binary), but is more specific than enbian in that it is exclusive attraction to non-binary people, while enbian is not exclusive.


The flag was created by gay-rats-sys (now called the-ragamuffins-sys) on Tumblr. The updated flag has seven stripes to mimic the appearance of the lesbian and vician flags. The colors yellow and purple are both representative of nonbinary genders.