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(Original: LGBTA Wiki)
File:Aloxgender Flag Variation 1.png
The aloxgender flag.
File:Aloxgender Flag Variation 2.png
An alternate aloxgender flag.

Aloxgender is a xenogender in which someone feels an extremely strong connection to being a horse lover, either strongly identifying with it or simply wanting to incorporate being a horse lover into their gender to better understand their identity. One that loves horses so much that it has a noticeable impact on their gender may identify as aloxgender.

One can use aloxgender as a gender identity on its own, use it alongside other labels, or combine it with other labels. Variations of aloxgender include alogagender, which is a version of the gender that is aligned with femininity or femme presentation, and alogogender, which is a version of the gender that is aligned with masculinity or masc presentation.


Aloxgender was coined on June 3rd, 2021 by Tumblr user Qing-Quinn.[1]


Two aloxgender flags were designed by user GJKtale#0449 on Discord. They have no confirmed meaning.
