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File:Amamirabbitgender flag.png
The Amamirabbitgender flag

Amamirabbitgender is a xenogender under the Rabbit System umbrella that is related to amami Rabbits. The connection to amami rabbits can be by their species, location, personalities, etc. Basically anything to do with amami rabbits. This was made for non-binary individuals, but anyone who feels a close connection to amami rabbits may use it.

This can be used as a standalone term or can be combined with a particular aspect of the rabbits (ex. blackamamirabbitgender). It is not an exclusive gender and one can identify with others alongside this from the same gender group or from other gender groups.


The term was coined by user XxXLunarCatXxX on September 30, 2021.[1] The same user created the flag on October 26, 2021. The colors are meant to represent different colors of amami rabbits.
