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File:Equivarioriented pride flag.png
Flag by @DemolitionLover19

Equivarioriented or ambivarioriented (ambivalently varioriented) is someone who is either mesi aroace, angled aroace, or allosexual/alloromantic (meaning someone can be alloace/alloaro or alloallo) and varioriented in the sense as one's romantic attraction is not involved in one's sexual attraction, could be directed to genders or people, as in plurian.

For an example, a biamorous individual can desire a foveo while wanting a non-sexual relationship, someone wanting queerotic and queeragamic relationships simultaneously, kenasexual/kenaromantic, singulusexual/singuluromantic, apressexual/apresromantic and versexual/verromantic.


Equivariorientation was coined by Unã on June 5 2021.