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File:Amogusgender flag.png
The amogusgender flag
Not to be confused with amongusgender.

Amogusgender is a xenogender and memegender in which someone feels an extremely strong connection to the "Amogus" meme, either strongly identifying with it or simply wanting to incorporate it into their gender to better understand their identity. It was made with neurodivergent individuals in mind, as well as individuals who may experience delusions relating to the meme. However, anyone may identify as amogusgender.

History and Flag

The term was created by Scratch user 10kProjects at an unknown date, somewhere around February, 2021.

Potential Controversy/Harm

While amogusgender is itself a valid identity, it is controversial due to being based on a meme based on a comic which was first created by a Stonetoss, a well-known Neo-Nazi.[1] The creator of the amogus meme based it on comics by Stonetoss. Though this gender is based on an edit meant to mock the original creator, it is still heavily associated with the original Nazi creator and therefore, while the identity itself is valid, it is still controversial and potentially harmful due to its strong association with a Neo-Nazi.


  1. Know Your Meme entry on "Amogus," including visual references.
  2. The Definitive Guide to Why Stonetoss is a Nazi. : antifastonetoss (
  3. StoneToss Is An Idiot: Is StoneToss a Nazi?
