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File:Phobia System Template (11).jpg
Arachnophobian flag (made by harmful individual.)

Arachnophobian is a xenogender and neurogender connected to the fear of spiders. One’s gender may be affected by this fear. This term can be used on its own or with others.

History and flag

This term was coined by FANDOM user Ariathatsme. The gender system itself was created by FANDOM user Millkqakes. The flag was designed by Ariathatsme and the meaning goes as follows: purple for fear, white for inclusivity across the gender spectrum, and the first three colors represent a fear of spiders.

This term, however, was coined by a harmful user who faked systemhood, manipulated users, was exclusionist, and was endophobic. Because of this, individuals may be hesitant using this term, however it may be used in a reclaiming manner.