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(Original: LGBTA Wiki)

Beatlesgender is a musicagender relating to the music of The Beatles, or in some cases, the solo work of the band’s members after the band broke up in 1970. Due to all of the band’s members being male, the gender has a large amount of masculine energy in it.

File:Beatlesgender pride flag.jpg
The Beatlesgender pride flag, as designed by Tumblr user Hallowum.

A Beatlesgender identifying individual may feel that their gender is rowdy, handsome, charming, and eternal. One might try to incorporate The Beatles and their qualities into their gender in any way they can, or in their gender presentation-- one individual chose to grow a mop top, wear an Abbey Road t-shirt, and begin speaking in a Liverpool accent as part of their gender presentation.


The term was coined by Erica Dao on June 25th, 2020, in honor of National Beatles Day and LGBTQIAP2S+ Pride Month.


A Beatlesgender pride flag was created by Tumblr user Hallowum on November 28th, 2020. According to them:

“The colors are taken from Sgt. Pepper and represent each Beatle. The black and white represents their origins as a band and the black and white era of television.”
