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(Original: LGBTA Wiki)
The complexgender flag.
File:Complexgender essay reference image.png
The complex number and complexgender graph.

Complexgender is a mathgender where one's gender is best described as the combination of two genders which are arranged as axes, with the resulting gender being a point on the plane formed between them, like a complex number.


The term was coined by Tumblr user hiidoran on or before March 18, 2015.[1]

On July 18, 2020, Tumblr user gender-resource wrote a post on the mathematical breakdown of complexgender.[2] They wrote that

a complex number, which is defined as a number with a real and imaginary portion…can be expressed using the general form a+bi. The variable a represents real numbers, where bi represents imaginary numbers. The variable i is equivalent to the sqrt [square root] of -1, or i^2 being equivalent to -1. b exists on an axis of imaginary numbers and exists on axis of real numbers. If plotted...a point can be made where (a,bi) occurs.

To relate this to gender, imagine that variable a is one gender and variable bi is another. At (a,bi), the point resulting from the two, is the Complexgender that is defined above.

If the “real gender” axis of one’s conception of complexgender is woman or man, one’s complexgender would simultaneously be an imagigender. Both genders are compatible with the complex gender plane conception of gender.[3]


The complexgender flag was created by Tumblr user genderqueer-dream on May 18, 2019.[4] While genderqueer-dream only suggested the flag as an option, as it notably did not have one,[5] it became the first and only complexgender flag.
