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File:Dessgender Flag.png
The dessgender flag

Dessgender is a xenogender or gastrogender in which one's gender is affected by desserts. It could be a gender that fluctuates when eating desserts, a gender that is only felt when eating desserts, or a gender that changes when eating desserts. One who is affected by a specific dessert may add it to the label (example: 'icecreamdessgender' or 'ICdessgender.')

See also: Meagender. Snagender


The term dessgender was coined by a user going by Anderson on January 3rd, 2021 as a counterpart to dessexual.


The flag was coined by FANDOM user Clear.Skyes January 15, 2021. The flag was made to appear like a chocolate sundae with a cherry on top. [1]
