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Echidean is a NHLNH label for a nonhuman who is attracted to other nonhumans, exclusively or not.


"Echidean" is derived from the creature from Greek mythology, Echidna, mother of monsters.[1]




  • The love between two Intelligible nonhumans, used for nonhuman systemmates - autistic-xenbi on queerso, 2019[1]
  • nonhuman loving nonhuman. A term for nonhuman system members whom are attracted to other nonhumans, exclusively or not. - autistic-xenbi, 2021[2]

In the context of NHLNH, a nonhuman is an intelligent being that does not identify wholly or exclusively as human, or a strictly nonsentient being. For example, in the context of NHLNH and Echidean, a nonhuman includes:

  • Dogkin (an individual identifying as a dog while bodily human)
  • A non-sentient object such as a stuffed animal (as it is incapable of experiencing harm--this falls under objectum attraction)

But would not include:

  • A dog incapable of sapient (human/human-level) thought who is bodily a dog
  • Any sentient being with a physical body that is not a human


Echidean along with its flags was coined by Tumblr user queerso on August 3rd, 2019.[1] The term "NHLNH" was originally not in the post, but after moving to its blog autistic-xenbi, it recoined the term on August 28 2021 as explicitly NHLNH. It was also linked to the terms gleichaeus and medusan. which were described as "similar," and redesigned the flags. This term was coined to be system and plural exclusive.[2]

Related Terms


For a comprehensive list, see Category:Echidean.

See Also



autistic-xenbi's flags

The symbolism of the original was described as the following:[1]

  • Green: green is associated with snakes (which is what Echidna is half), growth, harmony, freshness, safety, fertility, and environment
  • Symbol: the heart is meant for the love experienced between those in the relationship, the star is based around the otherkin symbol to symbolize the nonhumanity

The updated flag was very visually similar, with the meaning described as:[2]

  • Green: growth, harmony, freshness, safety, fertility, and environment/nature.
