Editing Guide/Citing Standards

From MOGAI Wiki
Acceptable Sources For Citing

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This list includes both LGBTQ-focused and not LGBTQ-focused sites, so that we can also correctly define non-LGBTQ identities on pages for identities based on them. An example is defining what otherkin means on the kingender page.

This isn't a comprehensive list of all the sources you're allowed to cite, of course. You can cite (nearly) any website or published piece of media. In general, you should feel free to make your own judgement on whether or not a site is trustworthy enough to be cited as a source.

Basically: Here's a list of suggested places to cite, places you should use for web archiving, and the few places you absolutely should not cite.

Web Archiving


Places To Cite

  • Pride-Flags, Pride-color-schemes, & ask-pride-color-schemes - The Deviantart is the best place for high quality pride flags, but also has definitions beneath most flags. Ask-pride-color-schemes reblogs coining posts/posts where people discuss MOGAI. You can usually search a term name or an adjective on ask-pride-color-schemes and find something helpful.
  • Gender-Jargon, previously Gender-Resource - Reblogs a lot of coining posts and also has original flag posts as well!. You can try searching the old URL for archived posts.
  • The Ezgender Google Docs
Ezgender/Genderheaven Doc List

Placeholder: [ x] • [ x] • [ x] • [ x] • [ x] • [ x] • [ x] • [ x]
The definitions provided in the docs were written by Kris (of Genderheaven), who sometimes edited definitions for readability and clarity but he tried to not redefine things. This project is no longer maintained, so if you have any problems, please make sure the issues aren't also present on the wiki page(s) for the term(s).


Popular Blogs, Coining Locations, and Citation/E-History Locations

(Asterisks * mark places with issues)

  • LGBTA Wiki* - The LGBTA Wiki is very well known for having users that change the definition of terms. Original coiners of terms get their edits reversed, and at least one has been outright banned just for trying to correct information about a term they made. This Wiki is not a reliable source of information, and you can read a tag about why over here. At the same time, it is also extremely popular and has 6000-ish pages. This is a good place to check if a term exists, but you should do your own searching (possibly on one of the links in this post) or start following any sources on the page.
  • Mogaipedia* - Mogaipedia is made by a racist, ableist, lesbophpobic cis woman, and you can read a page on all of the awful things she's done here. The Wiki is intended to mock trans people and is filled with abuse towards us. At the same time, it is unfortunately a very complete archive of terms coined from 2015-2020. Pages usually have cited web archived versions of pages, and those web archive links can be used in citing pages here. You can find a lot here, but prepare for transphobia, racism, ableism, r/pe jokes, etc.
  • Notcishetarchive - This is one of Ezgender's blogs! As of typing this, it has 4000+ posts and 11000+ drafts. He uses it to reblog every single post he finds that's a usable flag or a coining post, so that there's some kind of archive of things posted on tumblr. He does reblog troll/harmful terms and from blogs who are trolls/bigoted/harmful/on the NCB for the sake of archiving, though, so watch out for that if you search.
  • Gender Wiki* - The Wiki's connected Discord seems largely proship, which obviously may make some people uncomfortable. The Wiki itself is also not necessarily very sourced and a bit similar to the LGBTA Wiki, but you can use it to check if a term exists.
  • Gender-Archival - Has a very nice archive of reblogged xenogender posts and everything is tagged by keywords. The moderators also curate their own Wikidot website, Genderpedia.
  • Lgbtqiarchive* - This archiving blog has a lot, but has come under fire for reblogging from people with DNI banners that say "I'M PANPHOBIC" and then it came out the blog owners are "ship neutral", which may make some people uncomfortable.
  • Idvault - I'm not sure how long this blog has ran, but it's another that does a lot of reblogging, and sometimes posting term definitions (which I think might be lifted from different Wikis, but I'm not sure). Original posts should be fine to cite, and searching keywords here should get lots of results to help find original coining posts to archive.
  • Genderheaven - I run this. since 2015, I've had this blog, and I try to reblog as many informational posts about what a term means, coining posts, posts with new flags, etc as I can. (I recently changed my url from heterosexualisnotadefault to Genderheaven. everything is still intact, but I haven't changed every link in the docs because that would take so much time. If you're on desktop, Wait 30-ish seconds and it'll redirect you to my new URL.)
  • Beyond-MOGAI-Pride-Flags* - This blog has ran for quite some time, and posts both original flags/terms and reblogs them from others, which means searching terms like "gamegender," "masculine," "lesbian," etc, will probably get you plenty of results. It's not only focused on MOGAI though, hence the name, and also posts flags for conformant identities, kintypes, or kinks. BMPF has also been criticized for some actions by the mods which range from racism to ableism. There's a page on the blog on our Wiki over here where you can read more about that. Basically, browse with caution, and be prepared to potentially add templates about a term being Not Safe For Work, a joke, or other notice templates when you make a page for a term posted there.
  • Our Wiki Discord* - We have some automated feeds set up that post coining posts of xenogenders from users who are a bit shitty. This was set up as an agreement among ourselves to help archive these terms. Because of this, using the search bar in our discord might help you find some results.
  • Mason - Mason is a MOGAI blogger who has made literally hundreds of terms and flags over three or so years, and shows no signs of stopping. In addition to lots of original coining, he sometimes reblogs posts from others. Searching keywords on his blog is a great way to find things, and if you can't find something there's a good chance it's one of his coinings. He frequently changes his URL based on time of year, and I'll update this whenever he does. His current URL is [??? idk], and here's our Wiki page on his account if you want it.
  • Xenoleaf - Xenoleaf is a MOGAI blogger who's made tons of terms and collected them as well, and has a Weebly site right here which is acceptable to cite!
  • Instagram - There's a surprisingly big MOGAI community on Instagram. Instagram's searching, not letting one download images (without using a separate service or Inspect Element), not letting links embed, and not letting any variety of web archiver work on it make it really hard to use sometimes though. Try searching what you think a gender might be called, and also keep in mind many accounts that come up might just be posting terms they think are cool and not coining them, but then also not mentioning which it is - The vast majority of Instagram accounts should be okay to cite, though. Just try to identify if an Instagram post is the original source before you cite one as such. Similar to the LGBTA Wiki, search elsewhere after learning of a name to try to find accurate information.

Places to Find Additional Material

  • Krisgraphics - This is Ezgender's editing blog! He tends to reblog icons or other pride edits that he finds nice looking. These would be great additions to a page, he thinks pride icons and other edits are great to add in miscellaneous places to a page or in the "Other" section of the gallery because it helps display that real people out there are using/celebrating a term. (Try not to completely dominate a page with pride icons, of course, do this in moderation. A few is fine.)
  • Queerloveinhistory - This Instagram posts examples of LGBTQ+/queer people, especially couples, in history. It's really cool to see, and this can be a good source for images to add to pages.
  • JP Means Junpei - Junpei is a nonbinary pan artist who creates cute artwork with pride flags. These artworks are allowed to be reposted with credit, and I think these would make good additions to pages if used occasionally.
  • Nidomojis - An emoji artist who's made some very nice emojis using different pride flags.
  • Impact - Impact is an Instagram that

Other Places To Search

Try keywords on social media. For example, if I'm looking for a sheep gender, "sheep, xenogender" and "sheep, mogai" will probably get more helpful results than variations of "sheepgender."

Random Notes

  • If the creator of a term has made a Carrd relating to it, please web archive that and cite the web archived version. Carrd creators might remove these at any time.
  • Not everything applies here, but if you're not sure why we care about citing so much you might look at Wikipedia's citing guide. It also contains tutorials for citing written media.

Unacceptable Citations

These are few and far between, but please do not use these as citations on our Wiki. These will be banned entirely:

  • Entire Wiki pages (LGBTA Wiki, Wikipedia, Mogaipedia, etc) - Citing an entire Wiki page is not allowed. If a Wiki page has citations, those citations themselves can be used on the page on our Wiki. Another Wiki's page is a result of up to hundreds of edits by hundreds of different users and not a singular source, and the information within it can be completely changed at any time, making it an invalid source.

  • Page As Original Source - Making a page to coin a term and having it be the original/only source of coining is not acceptable. Wiki pages shouldn't be used for this. Wikias are aggregates of information, not sources of them. Wiki pages are not social media and shouldn't be used as original posts. A coining post can be made in the forums, on Tumblr, or on nearly any other site.

In the instance that a term has been coined by making a Wiki page, the edit history for that Wiki page that includes the page's creation can then be used as a source. However, this is generally disallowed on The Ezgender Wiki, and coining terms through making a page should be met with the same treatment as breaking another rule of the Wiki.

(A Wiki is meant to be a place where people bring information together into a single page. If you had a business/company, you wouldn't make a Wikipedia page for it and say "source: Me, I'm making this official right now", would you?)

While some people may have done this in the past, our Wiki asks that people not do this, as it's not what a Wiki is for, breaks the formatting guide of pages, and probably comes from a misunderstanding of how to use a Wiki.

There are, though, unfortunately terms that only have pages on other Wikis as coining sources because of this misunderstanding. If that's the case and there isn't a Tumblr, Instagram, etc post introducing the term, you can use the Edit History specifically as a source. Please also make sure to mention that the term was unfortunately coined using page-as-source.

To do that, you hit the dropdown by "Edit" and go to "History" and find the one where the page was made, which is a clickable link that you can cite. For example, for Custodiogender on the LGBTA Wiki, here's what the URL for that looks like: https://lgbta.fandom.com/wiki/Custodiogender?oldid=122862

It's that link at the bottom that's the pages creation that you'll want to cite. Similar to a web archive or something, this link is unchanging and allows one to view the page as it was when created along with displaying the date that was done.