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Excemelle Flag

Excemelle is type of multigender where a person is near pangender but doesn't identify as female or a woman/girl. To put it another way it is a person who identifies with every gender within their culture and experience, including feminine genders, but not ones that are female in nature.

The counterpart term that excludes male genders is Excemasle. The combination of both Excemelle and Excemasle is Excemesle.

Similar to the term nowomagender

History and Flag

The term excemelle was coined by Tumblr user neopronouns on May 13th, 2020.[1] The flag was created by the coiner on August 8th, 2020.[2] The flag's color meanings are currently unknown.


The prefix exce- is taken from the English word "except" and the suffix -melle is from the Old French word "femelle"[1] which translates to "female."[3]
