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File:Flitzan flag.png
Flitzan flag

Flitzan is a gender in the Aecor System in which ones gender feels like a cup of water. This could be a xenogender in which ones gender is connected to a cup of water, or it could be considered a combination of genderstatic and genderfluid, seeing as similar to a cup of water, this gender has the capacity to be fluid, yet is currently in a contained position in which it does not change and is static. Flitzan may be added on to another identity, and one may identify as a flitgirl, a flitboy, or a flitzenby. A subcategory of flitzan is demiflit, in which ones gender feels like a partially-full cup of water.


Flitzan comes from the Greek work for cup, φλιτζάνι (flitzáni).


Flitzan was coined by Wikia user Double-Bi, also known as James, on January 2nd, 2021, in addition to the rest of the genders in the Aecor System.


The Flitzan flag was made on the same day the term was coined, by user Starfruit110. The flag has shades of blue, to represent the connection to water, and also the different ways and intensity of Flitzan. The flag also has a glass of water, to represent the connection to cups of water.