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File:Fluividusian flag.png
The Fluividusian Flag by FANDOM user Zer0Rebel4

Fluvidusian is an umbrella term for anyone who is fluid in presentation and/or fluidly aligned. This includes those who are Genderfluid, fluidflux, demifluid, demifluidflux, genderfae, genderfaun or other fluidly aligned or presenting folk. Someone who is expression fluid, for example, has a fluid presentation, and is categorized as Fluividusian.

History and Flag

Fluvidusian was coined by FANDOM user Zer0Rebel4 on February 26th, 2021. The flag represents the genderfluid flag, but with different colour shades and a semi eclipse in the middle.


The term Fluividusian comes from the Latin word "fluvidus", meaning "fluid, flowing".