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(Original: LGBTA Wiki)
The frithian flag
The frithenian flag
The frithetian flag
The fritherian flag

Frithian is a multigender in which one only experiences genders that are in some way connected to womanhood, manhood, femininity, or masculinity. Frithians can experience fiaspec genders, miaspec genders, fingenders, mingenders, etc. but never any abinary genders. Frithians can have any amount of genders. Frithian can be used as a noun or an adjective.

Frithian is the suptilian counterpart to genderfrith. When someone experiences all female/feminine/male/masculine genders, they may identify as pangenderfrith.

Variants of frithian include:

  • Frithenian: Can experience female, male, feminine, or masculine genders, but not complete womanhood, complete manhood, or abinary genders. (For example, a florenian could be demiboy+androgyne+librafeminine, but not man+agender+neutrois+woman.)
  • Frithetian: Can experience female, male, feminine, or masculine genders, but not complete womanhood or abinary genders. (For example, a frithetian could be demigirl+androgyne+man, but not a woman+agender+neutrois+man.)
  • Fritherian: Can experience female, male, feminine, or masculine genders, but not complete manhood or abinary genders. (For example, a frithetian could be demiboy+androgyne+woman, but not a man+agender+neutrois+woman.)
  • Demifrithian: Part of one's identity is frithian, the other is not.

The abinary counterpart to frithian is florian.


The frithian, frithenian, frithetian, and fritherian flags were created by an anonymous wiki user on April 22, 2021. They are based on the genderfrith, genderfrithen, genderfrithet, and genderfrither flags.