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Genderbeyond flag

Genderbeyond is a term referring to those in plural systems who feel as if they are beyond gender, or that their gender cannot be described. Reasons for this could be:

  • One is a non-human species that doesn't typically have a gender, or is commonly labelled as being above or beyond gender (eg. gods, deities, religious figures)
  • One is a non-human species that cannot be fully interpreted by humans and therefore has a gender that also cannot be interpreted by humans, leading to the use of this term
  • One is a paranormal species (eg. ghosts, aliens) and feels as if they physically cannot hold a gender

This term is exclusive to non-human headmates


The term was coined on 22nd June, 2021, by FANDOM user: Rose.Quartz.Council


The flag was coined on the same day by Tumblr user: noiacollective

The colours represent the following: white: nonentities, ghosts, deities, light beings, etc, black: shadow people, demons, dark beings, purple: gender that cannot be described through the human language and/or being beyond gender, green: aliens and other nonhumans as a whole.