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File:Genderlight .png
Genderlight flag

Genderlight or Panzerogender is a xenogender when all the genders accessible to one in their life and culture get combined with their antigender/opposite, and in turn become nullified/mixed. It is different from Zerogender in the sense that it does not sprout a new gender/restart when combined, just ends up destroying itself.

An example would be one having a feminine gender and a masculine gender that 'fights' and ends up destroying each other, leaving you as a neutral gender or genderless.


Genderlight was coined on July 31, 2018 by tumblr user arco-pluris on beyond-mogai-pride-flags.


The Genderlight flag was made on July 31, 2018 by tumblr user acro-pluris on beyond-mogai-pride-flags. It is unknown if the flag has a meaning.