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File:Mesobinary flag.png
The Mesobinary flag

Not to be confused with Mesogender

Mesobinary is a term used to categorize the experiences of some non-binary people. It refers to people with identities involving both binary genders or being in between the binary genders, or those who relate to having the experience of both binary genders, or to having an experience of being in between binary genders. Possible examples of mesobinary people may include:


Mesobinary was coined by June 25, 2018 by Tumblr user Nbandproud.[1] The term was originally coined in order to talk about issues faced specifically by mesobinary people. Mesobinary issues include:

  • People pushing the idea that binary genders are opposite and that no one can ever be both.
  • People trying to “gauge” whether one is “more male” or “more female” to be able to ignore the other part of a person’s gender identity.
  • Exclusion of spaces/labels specific to men or women for being partially women or men, respectively.


The flag was designed by the-gender-collector-emself on Tumblr.[2] The color meanings are currently unknown.
