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The nowomagender flag (made by harmful individual.)

Nowomagender describes someone whose gender is everything and anything but female. It can also mean someone whose gender is anything and everything but feminine. One may also be repulsed by the idea of a female/feminine gender identity.

Nowomagender can also refer to someone who is repulsed by the idea of their gender being presented in a female or feminine way.

The term is the gender equivalent of nowomasexual. The non-masculine counterpart is nomagender.

History and Flag

The term and flag were created on May 9, 2021 by Wikia FANDOM user Ariathatsme. The meaning is as follows: Purple is for xenine genders, blue is for male and masculine genders, yellow is for neutral and non-binary genders, white us for unity and connection across the entire gender spectrum, green is for good spirits and agender, red is for rejecting femininity and being female, grey is for acceptance.[1]

This term, however, was coined by a harmful user who faked systemhood, manipulated users, was exclusionist, and was endophobic.[2] Because of this, people may be hesitant using this term, however it may be used in a reclaiming manner.
