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(Original: LGBTA Wiki)
The parumgender flag.

Parumgender refers to someone whose gender identity changes/fluctuates very slowly, rare and very little so they don’t see this as significant enough to call themselves genderfluid or genderflux.

It can also be used by people who know their gender has changed before, but so rarely that they don’t know if their gender will change again. A third definition is for people who are unsure whether their gender has really changed at all.


Parumgender was coined by Twitter user CharlieOmnie on July 26, 2021.[1]


The parumgender flag was created by the coiner of the term on Twitter on July 26, 2021.[1]

Pink  represents the fiaspec, purple the xiaspec, blue the miaspec, blue-green the niaspec, green the aiaspectrum, yellow the agiaspectrum and orange stands for other, unsure, or who do not assign themselves to any gender spectrum.


"Parum" comes from the Latin word for "not enough".[2]
