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File:The Quoifemflux flag..png
The Quoifemflux flag.

Quoifemflux is a subset of quoiflux where one identifies as quoifem, and is unsure about what their gender is, but knows that their gender is feminine (in some way, shape, or form) and that it fluctuates.

One who is quoifemflux may also identify as genderflux, quoigender, or quoiflux as well.

The masculine counterpart to quoifemflux is quoimascflux.


Quoifemflux was coined by FANDOM user Uncertified Funny on June 12th of 2021, as a feminine counterpart to Quoimascflux.[1]


The quoifemflux flag was designed by FANDOM user Imanerrrrd on June 12th of 2021.[2] The flag's color scheme is a combination of the colors from the quoigender flag and the quoifem flag. The fade from light pink to black represents fluctuation.[1]
