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(Original: LGBTA Wiki)
The variqueer pride flag.

Variqueer (vair-e-qu-eer) is an umbrella term for all identities that are considered to alternate. It is a label similar to genderqueer, but is exclusive to otherwise alternating identities. Someone who: is genderfluid/flux/fliux or abrogender, questioning if their gender/sexuality is fluid/alternating or has a sexual/romantic orientation that changes/fluctuates and does not wish to specify in full or no detail may use the label. People who are uncomfortable with fluid labels may also identify as variqueer.

Subsets of variqueer:

  • Varigender (focusing on fluid genders e.g. genderflux or genderfluid)
  • Varisexual (focusing on sexual orientations e.g. aceflux or abrosexual)
  • Varioriented (focusing on romantic attractions e.g. aroflux or abroromantic)